Who Is Minding the Gap?

Who Is Minding the Gap?

Good intentions may inspire action, but somehow their power to motivate us quickly fades. The result is a gap between our aspiration and our reality that yawns like a black hole before us, draining what little energy we may still have for the work of God. And like a black hole, we dare not approach any closer to investigate this gap, lest it pull us into total despair from which we fear there will be no escape. 

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Nelson Mandela - day of quiet reflection

Nelson Mandela - day of quiet reflection

This is an event I've been wanting to do for a long time -- a "quiet day" at Washington National Cathedral on Sunday, November 17, using the life and heroic presence of Nelson Mandela as our theme. We will spend the afternoon reflecting on oppression, reconciliation, courage, forgiveness, and our own quest to leave behind the prisons that hold us back from a full life in community. 

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